Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Blog #5

 Antiwar Voices

After discussing in class the disparity in anti-war voices being published in comparison to other opinions it sparked my interest in what more there was to this topic. As I think back to news I have watched or heard there has been little voices standing up for anti-war. When reading the article Biden's Pointless Troop Deployment  the title in itself is something out of the ordinary to have as a title for news. Degrading a decision the president is making about war is something we do not see in mainstream news. If we were to dive deeper into each news source like Fox News or CNN we could not even blame the lack of coverage on the political affiliation because these sources both lean more towards opposite directions yet both still do not have sufficient coverage of anti-war opinions. A reason I discussed with my dad for why these opinions are not covered is because avoiding mass panic is a priority. If the government decides we are going to war at all it is going to stress people out and having one news source say we are going to war and justify it and another state it is a horrible decision will inhibit fear in the people. 

So why have we not heard about these anti-war sites?
Websites like American Conservative and Antiwar discuss material that is not typical to mainstreams news channels and remain a vital part of our country's understanding of what is truly going on in the world. These websites along with others like them are very opinionated and one sided to what the writer thinks and feels and does not try and be unbiased. Since was is a heavily stressed topic by many it is also one that can cause a lot of controversy. Seeking out the unpopular websites gets you all of the information you are not getting streamed mainstream and can even help you to form your own opinion more because even though some news sources lean one way or the other they are still biased and there is a lot of control over what they put out to the public. These websites giving you an alternate obscure view also allows you hear all of the voices that were silenced other places. 

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