Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Blog #7


When watching the TED Talks in class the issue that stood out the most to me was when Juan Enriquez stated in his video that we are not famous for 15 minutes but instead we are only anonymous for that long. He compares your social media platforms to electronic tattoos. These provide as much information about you if not more than real tattoos ever could. There is also a very important discussion on how it is hard for someone to be under the radar in this day in age. Facial recognition is better than ever, posts are being posted and circulated every second, and people's lives are revolving around social media. 

One person that comes to mind more than most when thinking about this topic is my little sister. At just 15 years old it is very easy to be swept away in the world of social media. When I was her age social media presence was not seen as much, it makes it much easier for this younger generation to leave a bad electronic tattoo because they are still immature and do not know what is right or not to post. It is also affecting my generation a lot because although we are not the generation that started using social media platforms very young, we still do use them a lot and we are coming to the time where we are applying to jobs and many are running into issues because of their previous social media posts. Their electronic tattoo was not in mind thinking towards a future job when we have been posting. 

In my opinion, it is important for the government to regulate what can and can not be taken and used of people's content. We live in a free country with rights that everyone deserves and by posting on a platform we should not be releasing all of our information for the government to do whatever they want with it. In order to protect ourselves from these rights being taken and overruled we should be careful what we do on the internet, post things that are appropriate, and will not leave a bad electronic tattoo, use more highly protected search engines so that your history can not be tracked and overall to be more aware of what you do on the internet on a daily basis. 

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