Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blog #10

 History of Five Eyes

One presentation that stood out to me more than others was the history of Five Eyes. Before this presentation, I have never heard of this alliance between Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This alliance began with the United States and the United Kingdom around the end of WWII. It was known as the UKUSA agreement. In 1948 Canada joined the alliance followed by Australia and New Zealand in 1956. 

This alliance allows the world to intercept communications that will remain a threat to national security. It created the Echelon Network which is stations placed all over the world to capture communication data. It collects information on terrorism, rogue states, and much more. Today there are questions on the alliance today because there are cases stating they are invading the privacy of citizens. I think this alliance is something that has been good for us and gives us more of a backbone than dealing with national security all alone. 

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