Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blog #8

 EOTO - Online Influencers

Although online influencers may only be looked at as a famous person through a screen, they are much more than that. They affect the way products and goods are sold enormously. They also play a big part in deceptive advertising. They are considered to be a form of the social media marketing that involves endorsements and product placements. An online influencer is defined as someone who established credibility in a specific industry, has access to a huge audience, and can persuade others to act/buy based on their recommendations. In 2006 PayPerPost was introduced which is a platform that allows companies and brands to find influencers. It is essentially a network of bloggers that connects to companies and pays the influencer per post. This was the start of online influencers. 

Some big examples are Addison Rae, The Kardashians, Khaby Lame, Huda beauty, the bucket list family, James Charles, and Cristiano Ronaldo. These people have a huge impact on what we think of products and what we buy. I have realized that when I see influencers wearing a certain brand of clothing or makeup it makes me more inclined to purchase that brand or product. An issue with online influencing is that there is no certainty that those influencers are ever actually using or wearing the product. They get paid to put these ads out and at the end of the day, there is nothing saying at the end of the day they take hair growth vitamins or use the face wash. 

Deceptive advertising is defined as the act of publishing, transmitting, or circulating an advertisement containing a false, misleading, or deceptive statement, to promote the sale of property, goods, or services to the public. For example, Cristiano Ronaldo promotes Nike. He is seen wearing Nike cleats, clothes, and any other product Nike creates. Does this mean that if he was not partnered with him that Nike would still be his favorite? We may never know. The amount of income he gets from Nike trumps his personal ideals for the products he wants to buy. 

Online influencers have a huge impact on other things besides just purchases of products in fact. In many circumstances, there are famous people who voice their opinions on politics or current day issues which then influence their followers' opinions. For example, Justin Bieber is very strong in his opinions on politics. In fact, he has blatantly called out Donald Trump for “caging kids.” It is very obvious what Bieber’s political views are based on his social media presence which can be very effective in swaying views of the easily convinced younger generation who does not pay much attention otherwise. These online influencers posting their opinions all of the time can be detrimental to those who do not form their own opinions and only follow along with what they have to say which is not always the truth of the matter.

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