Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Blog #9

 In 1989 the World Wide Web would start and little did anyone know how huge this innovation would become. Where would we be without it today? Honestly no where. This innovation is something used every single day by millions of people. When the world wide web was first launched only select individuals had access to it. It was originally designed for scientists and professionals to allow communication all around the world. The main goal was to allow them to share ideas without having to travel in person. When it finally was released to the general public everyone spoke very highly of it and they were eager to get to use it. It was user-friendly and allowed quick access to so many things it took the world by storm. 

There were many early adopters of the World Wide Web for many reasons. There was a completely new online platform that was one of a kind. There has never been anything relative to this so trying it out peaked a large majority of the population's interest. Tim Berners Lee struck gold with this invention. The only reason for some of the late adopters was their access to the new innovation. The parts of the world that are off the grid did not have quick access to the new World Wide Web. 

Although the World Wide Web serves an amazing purpose of allowing communication around the world there are still negative aspects to it. Privacy is one main issue that comes with it. Hackers being able to steal your identity and share personal information is something that also comes along with it. When it was first invented this issue did not arise and was not a concern as much as it is now but if it was more relevant during the time there would have been more late adopters because of their concern with identity theft. Overall the World Wide Web took the world by storm and is still a very used invention.

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