Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blog #11

 Artificial Intelligence

After taking this class and reflecting there have been a lot of different topics that I have learned about and that have shocked me. The one that stood out the most to me was the amount of privacy we do not have. There are so many aspects of your daily life controlled by other people that you do not know are even happening. This also lead to my other thoughts about this class related to government control. Through this class we talked about what the government can and can not do and the ability for them to take our privacy away drew the line for me. I think that artificial intelligence is something that has helped the United States greatly but it is also detrimental in the privacy of Americans. There clearly is an endless possibility of technological advances in our society but how we use them is going to determine a lot for us. In the sense of national security AI is vital for the safety of all. It is the reason we do not see daily tragedies and have control over how and when things happen. The government uses this power for the good of all but the daily observance of my internet to me is violating privacy. 

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